2012 Topps: "Rookie Patches" Insert Set

2002 Upper Deck Sweet Spot: "Rookie Gallery Jerseys" Insert Set

1997 Proline: "Emerald Autographs" Insert Set

2012 Topps: "Rookie Patches" Insert Set
Jay's Football Cards
Press Pass: SE
My Press Pass: SE Collection (Updated December 21st, 2024)

2001 Press Pass SE: “Tommy Polly” Autograph #35

2005 Press Pass SE: “Thomas Davis” #39

2007 Press Pass SE: “Marshawn Lynch” #34
In 2001 the hobby got its first taste of "Press Pass: SE"; Press Pass' newest release. SE, which stood for "Signature Edition", had one more autograph set then the other titles from Press Pass. One. It had an autograph game jersey set. The initial release wasn't too bad either. With words down both sides of the card, the initial release was solid, (See the 2001 Press Pass: "Tommy Polly" #35 left). With a 55-card initial offering, the autograph set was bigger than the main set which had 45-cards.
The 2001 release also included a Game Jersey set, (See the 2001 Press Pass: "Michael Bennett" #J/MB right), which had two parallels; a Game Uniform #'s set and an autograph set. This autograph Game Jersey set is where "SE" gets its name. Press Pass hadn't included a Game Jersey Autograph set before.
To me, that is the crazy part. They created a whole new title called it "Signature Edition" for one 6-card set. If I was in charge, a new set called "Signature Edition" would have had every card set autographed. I mean, its called "Signature Edition" for a reason, right?

2001 Press Pass SE: “Michael Bennett” Game Used Jersey #J/MB
2006 Press Pass SE: “DeAngelo Williams” #37
After taking a hiatus in 2002 and 2003, Press Pass SE came back in 2004. I don't have anything from the '04 set, so I am going to skip right to the '05 release.
There was just something that I didn't like about the Press Pass SE front designs. I just didn't like the layouts, (See the 2005 Press Pass SE: "Thomas Davis" #39 left). The design wasn't boxy or over-whelming, but it just seemed off to me.
The '05 release was a 40-card set, (small even by Press Pass standards), with 6 insert sets. But here is where it gets really

interesting. This so-called "Signature Edition" set didn't include the standard 50-card autograph set. By this time, Press Pass should've called this set "Press Pass NSE for "No Signature Edition".
The 2006 Press Pass release for it's SE title was a bit better. I didn't like the kind of slanted border, but it wasn't bad, (See the 2006 Press Pass SE: "DeAngelo Williams" #37 above right). Again, the '06 release was just like the '05 release; a mere 40 cards.
For the 4th straight year, Press Pass continued with their "Class of" insert set with an autograph parallel set, (See the 2001 Press Pass SE: "LaDainian Tomlinson" Class of 2001 Autograph #11 below right). I really liked the 2001 set with it's almost ESPN block style text. The initial offering is my favorite.
In 2007 Press Pass SE took a step back in one area. The '07 set was another one of those giant border cards, (See the 2007 Press Pass SE: "Marshawn Lynch" #34 left).
Although Press Pass SE did up their base set to 50, what they did do is add a whole slew of new insert sets to this release; Gridiron Graphs, Insider Insights, and Teammate Autographs were just a few of the new sets that Press Pass added.

2009 Press Pass SE: “Rey Maualuga” #36*
Press Pass SE continued with the over-sized border cards in 2008, (Not shown here), and 2009. And although I don't like them, the 2009 cards weren't bad at all, (See the 2009 Press Pass SE: "Rey Maualuga" #36 left). The border is a little overpowering, but for some reason, this one is actually pretty cool.
What I didn't like were the Game Jersey cards. They just seemed dull and not what I'm used to from Press Pass, (See the 2009 Press Pass SE: "Jeremy Maclin" Game Day Gear #GDG-JM below right). And again, when you do a parallel, please change it up, the cards are bad whether you collect the Gold or the Silver version.
*Note: I do not own the card above.
In closing, the "Press Pass: SE" title just didn't do anything for me. Other than being a new title to collect, it didn't offer anything new. And when you call yourself a "Signature Edition" you better have a damn good reason for doing so. So if your a collector like me and you HAVE to collect everything, well then this set is a must. Otherwise, I'd steer clear.

2001 Press Pass SE: “LaDainian Tomlinson” Class of 2001 Autograph #11

2009 Press Pass SE: “Jeremy Maclin” Game Day Gear #GDG-JM
I have complete sets:
Press Pass SE Series:
1) 2001 Press Pass SE Set - Do Not Have
A) Autographs Insert - Incomplete ( 54 / 55 )
B) Class of 2001 Autographs Insert
C) Game Jerseys Insert
D) Up Close Insert
2) 2002 Press Pass SE Set - Does Not Exist
3) 2003 Press Pass SE Set - Does Not Exist
4) 2004 Press Pass SE Set - Do Not Have
5a) 2005 Press Pass SE Set
5b) 2005 Press Pass SE (Gold) Set
A) Class of 2005 Insert
B) Old School Insert
C) Up Close Insert
6) 2006 Press Pass SE Set
A) Class of 2006 Insert
B) Old School Insert
7) 2007 Press Pass SE Set
A) Class of 2007 Insert
B) Insider Insight Insert
C) Insider Insight Collector Series Insert
D) Marquee Matchups Insert
8) 2008 Press Pass SE Set - Do Not Have
9) 2009 Press Pass SE Set - Do Not Have
A) Game Day Gear Jerseys (Gold) Insert - Incomplete ( 24 / 35 )