2012 Topps: "Rookie Patches" Insert Set

2002 Upper Deck Sweet Spot: "Rookie Gallery Jerseys" Insert Set

1997 Proline: "Emerald Autographs" Insert Set

2012 Topps: "Rookie Patches" Insert Set
Jay's Football Cards
Press Pass: Other Titles
My Press Pass: Other Titles Collection (Updated December 21st, 2024)

1996 Press Pass Paydirt: “Tommie Frazier” #35

2002 Press Pass JE: “Julius Peppers” #2

2003 Press Pass JE: “Boss Bailey” #1
In 1996 the hobby got its first taste of "Press Pass"; the newest all collegiate release to the hobby. But "Press Pass", when it first came out, released 2 different titles, it's flagship title, "Press Pass" and another title called "Press Pass: Paydirt". I guess Press Pass wanted to see which title the hobby embraced before it settled on one for the long haul, (See the 1996 Press Pass Paydirt: "Tommie Frazier" #35 left). The "Paydirt" title wasn't bad at all, it actually had 20 more cards in its base set, and 3 insert sets with one of those being a 16-card autograph set.
In 1996, Press Pass had 2 titles in their inaugural year, one of those titles had a 12-card autograph set, the other a 16-card autograph set. The difference between the 2 sets was the simple little Press Pass logo in the upper left-hand corner, (See the 1996 Press Pass: "Tony Banks" #2 right). In its first year, Press Pass failed miserably in creating 2 separate sets. They did the old' Collector's Edge "Let's confuse the hobby" mind trick. And confuse them they did. With that said, however, the autograph cards were a pretty solid design.
As it turned out, the '96 release of "Press Pass: Paydirt" was it's last. Over the next 6 years, the only title Press Pass brought to the table was its flagship title. However, that all changed in 2001 with the "Press Pass: Signature Edition" or "SE" release.

1996 Press Pass Paydirt: “Tony Banks” Autograph #2
And in 2002, Press Pass, yet again, brought another title to the table with the first edition of its "Press Pass: Jersey Edition" or "JE" title. The funny thing is, I have absolutely no idea why Press Pass called it this. It wasn't like this set had 5 different jerseys insert sets in it. It had one, with 2 parallel versions built off of it, (An autograph version and a patch version), not exactly the best reason to name your release after. Regardless, the 2002 release of "Press Pass: JE" was a smash. It had the same eye-popping photography that all its other releases had, (See the 2002 Press Pass JE: "Julius Peppers" #2 left). And with a total of 9 different insert sets, this set, regardless of name, delivered.
As a matter of fact, I thought so highly of the "2002 Press Pass: JE" jerseys that the Jersey / Autograph cards even made it on my "Top 10 Autograph / Memorabilia" set, (See the 2002 Press Pass: "William Green" Jersey / Autograph #AJEWG right). The card stock was solid and the glossy feel to the cards made them feel above the rest. And again, what is NOT to like about cards #'d to 25?
Although I didn't like the '03 Press Pass: JE release as much as its initial release, it was still pretty sweet, (See the 2003 Press Pass: JE "Boss Bailey" #1 left).

2002 Press Pass JE: “William Green” Jersey Autograph #AJEWG
I think it might have been the over-sized border on the left-hand side that got me. But again, the photography that Press Pass chose was superb. My only major concern from the 2003 release was the jersey cards, which the title is named after.
The "2003 Press Pass: JE" jersey set left much to be desired. First of all, they didn't look that much different from the 2002 set, (See the 2003 Press Pass: JE "Dahrran Diedrick" #JC-DD right). And 2nd of all, the players they chose were very questionable; Dahrran Diedrick, Avon Cobourne and Teyo Johnson to name a few. I mean, Diedrick did have an amazing junior season at Nebraska, but he dropped off slightly in his
senior campaign. Maybe his card would've been better in the 2001 set? And that's not to say that these players were scrubs, but Diedrick only played in one game in the NFL, Cobourne played in only 7 and Teyo

2003 Press Pass SE: “Dahrran Diedrick” Jersey #JC-DD
Johnson, the success story of these 3, played in 30. I guess what I'm trying to say is Press Pass did a really lousy job of predicting the future.
In closing, the "Press Pass: JE" brand just didn't bring enough to the table for me to recommend. The cards weren't bad, they were just meh. And to top off the fact that the title wasn't there for very long tells you that I'm onto something. If this was truly a "Jersey Edition" then they would include 3 to 4 totally different jersey and/or memorabilia sets along with this release. Something like what the Upper Deck Top Tier title did back in 2001. Now Upper Deck did it right. And if you're interested in the "Press Pass: Paydirt" title, well that title lasted only one year. A full year less than the "Jersey Edition" did.
I have complete sets:
Press Pass Other Title Series:
1A) 1996 Press Pass Paydirt Set
1B) 1996 Press Pass Paydirt (Red) Set - Incomplete ( 30 / 75 )
A) Paydirt Autographs Insert
B) Eddie George Insert
2) 1997 Press Pass Combine Set
3) 2002 Press Pass JE Set
A) Autographs Insert
B) Class of 2002 Insert
C) Class of 2002 Autographs Insert
D) Game Used Jerseys Insert
E) Game Used Jersey Autos Insert - Incomplete ( 4 / 6 )
F) Rookie Vision Insert
G) Up Close Insert
4A) 2003 Press Pass JE Set
4B) 2003 Press Pass JE (CT) Set
A) Class of 2003 Insert
B) Class of 2003 Autographs Insert
C) Game Used Jerseys (Silver) Insert - Incomplete ( 4 / 14 )
D) Game Used Jerseys (Gold) Insert - Incomplete ( 2 / 14 )
E) Up Close Insert